I consider myself very fortunate, as I have known Jesus Christ my entire life. Through my strong faith, I have always stepped out into new life's ventures. God continues to bring books through me, while seeking Him with my entire heart, body, and soul.
I have a Master's degree in Public Administration and a Bachelor's degree in Management. I have worked in the Medical field for many years as an Administrator and Technologist. I'm originally from Milwaukee, WI, and now reside with family in Atlanta, GA. I love to praise the Lord!!!
I'm very hungry/excited and looking forward to this walk that God has me stepping into; the purpose and plan that God has for my life. I will be speaking at conferences, workshops and much more, coming soon! Also, I'm currently working on a new children's book, entitled, "Abigailie the Squirrel." Soon to come, an Audio of More of You God, read by the author. So, please stay tuned, a lot more is coming your way.
I have two questions for you. "Do you have an intimate relationship with God, and "Are you using the tools that God have given you?"
More of You God
I'm really thrilled to bring to you my second book (God's book), More of You God. This book came about one day, while reading one of my favorite 365 devotional books, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. God spoke again, saying, "Jackie, I have a Jesus Calling inside of you, and I want you to call it, More of You God." At that very moment, God started spelling it out and pouring into me, a vision for this book. It wasn't easy getting this book completed. I was faced with spiritual warfare. The enemy came forth like a hungry lion, trying to destroy. However, I heard God loud and clear; this book is definitely needed to help a lot of people through their life's journey. I even started using More of You God, before it was completed to help others; as well, as using it during some of my own trials and tribulations. Additionally, God inspired me to bring forth another outstanding spiritual book cover; let it minister to your soul.
I pray this devotional is a blessing to you and it helps you, with your intimate time with God. I believe, it will help you build a one-on-one relationship with Him. Every bit of what you read is what God put on my heart. Some messages were inspired from church; others were when I was dealing with the enemy's attacks and when God was repositioning, transforming, and renewing me. I assure You, I spent many days, meditating, praying, praising, and resting in God's presence, to write this book. Please remember, God truly hears your cry every day. He wants you to build a relationship with Him and praise Him, no matter what situations you may encounter.

Customer Testimonials
My first book, "Journey to Praise" A Book of Consecration and Fasting, also, was totally written under His anointing. This entire book took place while I was consecrating and fasting many times, throughout a year. I was in a desperate place in my life, and I was very hungry for God. I prayed two months for God to give me a vision for the book's cover, and one morning He woke me up with the idea for the cover you now see (isn't it amazing?). I'm very honored for God to select me to bring this book forth unto the world. God allowed for me to go through many trials and tribulations, while He was molding and preparing me for the work that He has for me to complete.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34