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Give to Live

Writer's picture: Adventurous Dynamic DuoAdventurous Dynamic Duo

Updated: Apr 24, 2019

Hello Warriors:

Dynamic Duo Inspired Journey, we are so glad to have you with us this week. As you read our Blog, you can see we love to adventure and have fun. However, we recognize, we must give back within this life time. We truly believe in helping people and giving unto others. We stand on this quote by, Winston Churchill, " We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." It's ALL ABOUT, LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! ♥️❤️♥️ This week, we would like to share with you how we allowed/allow God to use us. Praying 🙏🏾 and hoping we will inspire and motivate you to do the same.😍

First and foremost, we believe, we have to make ourselves available to be used by God. We are willing vessels! Do we have a lot of time for outside activities with our jammed packed schedules? "Not Really!" However, when someone is in need, we find a way to help. Literature states, "Helping others doesn't just make the world better--it also makes you better. Studies indicate that the very act of giving back to the community boosts your happiness, health, and sense of well-being." (Wikipedia). Additionally, the second greatest command that God gave us is, "To love our neighbor as ourselves." (Matt 22:39). Now, in order to do this, we have to step out of ourselves. Our lives have a greater purpose than only thinking of ourselves!

So, here we go, the Adventurous Dynamic Duo, living our life intentionally! We are sold-out on God, so whatever You want us to do Lord, "Here we are!" We would like to share with you, a few of the ways God convicted and moved us, in our giving.

Jackie was so fortunate to get an opportunity to help one of her Uncles. Here he was, 91 years old and just lost his wife of many years. Now, he was living alone; a 2 hour drive from Jackie. However, when Jackie went to his wife's funeral, God put it on Jackie's heart to start calling Uncle everyday; impressing upon her, Uncle would be very lonely. In her obedience, she found out he was in need of her assistance. Most people would think and/or feel, since she lived 2 hours away from him; "How could she help him????"😱 Well, Warriors, it was a challenge; because she didn't know either.🙄 As she spoke with Uncle daily, she just let God lead her. She asked Uncle questions, like: "How are you feeling? What did you eat, today? Who called you? What was your blood sugar level? Did anybody come over to see you, today? Did you drive anywhere, today?" Please note, Jackie and Uncle didn't have a close relationship, so they were getting to know each other thru their daily phone conversations. Jackie was keeping tabs on him, as she was developing a long distance and loving relationship.

Uncle started opening up to Jackie and trusting her. So, how did Jackie help him? Aside from bringing Uncle joy by her daily calls, he started laughing and smiling 😬 while waiting for her calls. Some other examples of how she helped are: she helped him get his personal will and last testament crafted, all for Free; she would drive and take him to his doctors' appointments, 1-2 times/month, and while there, she would speak to his treating doctors and/or nurses to ensure that Uncle was getting the best care possible; before she would head for home, she would take him out to eat, stopped by the pharmacy to pick up his medications, and take him to the store, to get groceries; she, also, made sure that he had enough food already prepared for at least the next 4-5 days; when Uncle had problems understanding a bill and/or letter he received, Jackie would conduct a conference call with the business and Uncle, making sure that the matter(s) were successfully handled. Additionally, once I entered into Jackie's life, and Uncle was moved into a skilled nursing facility - 3 hours away, the Adventurous Dynamic Duo would go to see him at least once a month. We would call and ask him what he wanted us to bring to him. Always on our to-do list, when we visited: cutting his hair, shaving him, moisturizing his bed-ridden body, feeding him, and anything else he needed us to do. Sidney (me) would laugh at Jackie because she didn't know what she was doing, trying to cut his hair, line it and shave him. Lol. So, okay, Warriors, Jackie had to let boss-man, Sidney handle it. Lol. "How many new phones and TV remotes did we take Uncle, Sid?????" At this skilled facility - 3 hours away, it appeared that somebody was always taking his items, so we had to make sure that Uncle had a new phone and remote!!! LOL! 😜🤗 When we paid a visit, we always made a point to speak with his doctors. Other times when he was hospitalized, we made sure that those caring for Uncle, knew our faces and understood that we cared for and about, this man of God! Let us tell you, Warriors, we weren't just making Uncle smile;😇 he was bringing so much joy into our lives.😍😎 Uncle would always tell Jackie, "There isn't anything that you can't do?" Those words empowered her to keep going!🙌🏾🙌🏾 We would laugh behind those words! Folks around us would always tell us, "You are helping him to live longer", and that "You are giving him more purpose to live on." We aren't sure if this was true or not, but we found that as we helped him, others, within our circle, started giving to us (money, time, words of encouragement) so we could help him even more. It caused a ripple effect. We found there is POWER in giving and helping others. We continued to help Uncle with soooooo many different matters until he passed away last year in October.

Another example of our giving of self, Mr. Sidney‘s best friend, who lived an hour and a half away, was also in need. Prior to us meeting, Sidney had been helping his friend, kinda, just like, I was doing with Uncle. Warriors, what a coincident! Soulmates, for sure!!! Sidney's Bestie, a diabetic with an amputated leg, would call Sidney and ask him to come over on a weekend day to help fix appliances, etc. around his house, he shared with his lovely wife. So, here we go with our willing hearts on a Saturday or Sunday, to help a friend in need, ya'll. Unfortunately, we lost him last year too.

After helping others, we find we are really happy - just having gratification, a huge full life, and a true feeling of satisfaction. We found by doing for others, it enhanced our overall sense of purpose and identity.

Yes, as the old adage states, "It's better to give than to receive.” It‘s true, Y'all!

We believe in helping financially, as well. Sometimes, we have the money and sometimes, we don't; but we still find a way to give; especially, if we encounter someone in need. Warriors, ten, fifteen, or twenty dollars may not be much to you/us, but for someone in need, it can feel like two or three hundred dollars to them. Studies have shown by giving and helping others, there is a link between volunteering and increased self-esteem, "Greater personal empowerment and better health. Doing for others may stimulate the release of endorphins, which has been linked to improved nervous and immune system functions, too." (Wikipedia)

Reasons to give:

1. Develop new skills - For example, Jackie has learned so much about the VA (Veterans Administration) system, by helping Uncle with his affairs.

2. Make social connections - yes, we have met so many people and now, some are in our circle of friends.

3. Know that you're needed - we would have never known how much we were needed until we opened up and made ourselves available.

4. Gain a new perspective - when we ventured out to help others, we realized our lives aren't so bad.

5. Boost self-esteem - by helping others, we felt better about ourselves.

6. It can improve your overall health - our health improved as we helped others.

7. Take the lead - by giving, we find that we shape the world around us in the ways we choose and never thought were possible.

8. Making an impact - we are making a difference in the world, and it is rewarding.

9. Share expertise - Jackie used her management skills and Sidney used his handy man expertise, all to help others in need!

10. It just plain ole feels good - and right!!!

Ways to give:

1. A Charity or two of your choice (e.g. give of self and/or $$).

2. Serve food at a shelter.

3. Money/time to Family member/or friend in need.

4. Humane Society.

5. Donate food to a food bank.

6. Cook a meal and take to someone in need.

7. Get into that overflowing & stuffed clothes closet of yours and give away some of your slightly used but still fly clothes & shoes.

8. Serve at nursing home.

9. Think outside of the box, there are sooooo................... many needs people may be experiencing.

10. Use your expertise to help others.

Warriors, we know you, all, are now ready to let go and let God. The book, "More of You God," is also a great tool to give someone; to help encourage and inspire them. Get one for yourself, as well as, purchasing ten copies or more to gift to others. Life can be such a challenge, so let's help to inspire by encouraging others. You can purchase the book on this website: Yep, it's the same website as this blog. Lol.😱😱🤗

Remember, giving and helping others doesn't only benefit the receiver; it benefits the giver even more.🙌🏾🙌🏾 Giving can help to reduce stress, depression, and you will benefit from a big dose of happiness and good health. Don’t get it twisted ..... We aren’t living until we are GIVING!!!!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

As always, we love spending this precious time with You. Come back and see us next week. In the meantime, let's make this week, a great week, of giving!

We are the Adventurous Dynamic Duo and as you can see, we adventure in so many different ways. We do not want you to miss out on living a great life! Don’t forget to join, sign in with your email and this code ZEJFNW. Live to Give! Give to Live!!!!!!!!!!!

Warriors, we love you!❤️♥️

Sidney & Jackie

To Purchase the book “More of You God,” click on the link:

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