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Praise Him

Writer's picture: Adventurous Dynamic DuoAdventurous Dynamic Duo

Updated: Aug 18, 2019

Hello Warriors:

Welcome back to your Adventurous Dynamic Duo's, "Dynamic Duo Inspired Journey" Blog. We are ecstatic to have you with us today. We are here to tell you, whatever situation you may be going through - good or bad, as Tasha Cobb's sings, "You better put a praise on it." When are you praising? Who are you praising? Why are you praising? These are the questions we need to ask ourselves, as we go throughout our lives. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the "World" and we listen to what it is telling us. Warriors, y'all know what I'm talking about! We think we are so smart, and we rely, solely, on ourselves to figure things out. We think we can fix it all by ourselves. Ha! This is when we, generally, make a mess of things. Lol. We know this has happened to us. How about y'all? Don't lie. Be honest with yourself. Lol. 👀

So, today, in this Blog, we would like to discuss, "Praising Him" (God), at all times, because praising Him, changes things.🙌🏾 Did you know that there is healing in your praise unto Him? Yes! Warriors, this is an opportunity for a miracle to manifest in your life. The Adventurous Dynamic Duo have testimonies of this occurring, numerous times in our lives. We would just like to share a couple of them today, to encourage you to hold on and don't give up. Come on and step out on your faith and praise. 👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾

Listen y'all. About 12 years ago, Jackie witnessed the power of praise, first hand. She was dealing with a sickness and had double vision for about a month. While lying in bed watching a Christian program, she engaged into an unstoppable praise unto God. She never had fear of losing her eyesight, because she knew, she was in God's hand. After praising God for about 30 minutes or so, where she was just basking in His presence; she felt joy, peace and love. Jackie began to cry, because God's presence was so strong in her room; all she could do was praise and worship Him. You see, the bible says, when we praise Him, He inhabits our praise. This means, He comes near. So, yes! He was in her room. Whenever He is near, you can reach out and touch the hem of His garment; just like the woman, with the issue of blood in the bible. Jackie continued to love on Him and afterwards, she looked up at the TV and she no longer had double vision. Hallelujah!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 She received her healing in the praise. Well, Warriors, let me tell you, I was like one of the healed Lepers, in the bible. I went back to tell God, "Thank You", and I ran and told everyone I knew!!!!!!! Hallelujah! 🙌🏾👐🏾🙌🏾👐🏾

It is kinda ironic, but Sidney also experienced a miracle with his vision. About 10 years ago, he was diagnosed with a cyst in his eye. The doctors told him he may not be able to see out of that eye - ever again, and if he could see, his vision would never be 20/20. Well, he's here to testify, that he praised God throughout the entire process. He spoke the blood of Jesus over himself, and his faith never wavered. He just praised God in advance for his healing. And, guess what, Warriors? When he went back for his surgery's follow-up appointment, the doctors were amazed; because his vision was better than 20/20. It was like 20/10!!!!!! Hallelujah!!! Warriors, Praise Him right now with us! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Another miracle!!!! Yes Lord! If HE did it for us, HE will do it for you. The bible says, "HE is no respect of person."😇

Praise Him! 🙌🏾 Praise Him! 🙌🏾 Take time and read the Bible's book of Psalms. It's really a book of Praise. It contains a lot of reasons to praise God, like: (1) It is good to praise Him, (2) It is beautiful and agreeable, (3) He is full of glory, (4) He is wise and powerful, (5) He is merciful and faithful, (6) He is the One who saves us, (7) He keeps His promises,(8) He gives us our daily food, (9) He commands us to praise Him...and the list goes on and on. The Adventurous Dynamic Duo wants to encourage you to tap into Praising Him. Your life will not be the same. He will make it possible for you to, "Live Your Life Intentionally."

Okay, Warriors, let's all Praise Him In The Middle of all situations and at all times.👐🏾👐🏾👐🏾 He is the way-maker, the promise keeper, and the miracle-worker, in all things; for you and me. Just try Him for yourself. We guarantee, you will have a changed life and all for your good!!!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Thank you for stopping in on our blog. We love having you spend some time with us as we try to inspire you, to live your best life. Please sign in using your email address and the code ZEJFNW. We are speaking God's blessings on top of blessings over your life.

We love you!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

Your Adventurous Dynamic Duo

Jackie & Sidney

P.S. To purchase the book, ”More of You God”, click on the link below:

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