Welcome Back Warriors:
"Dynamic Duo Inspired Journey," coming to you today with our journey. Yes, the Adventurous Dynamic Duo, partnered up and went to work, y'all. This week, we would like to share our experience participating in a Prayer and Praise Conference in Milwaukee, WI; another bucket list item.
Please, always, remember, this Blog is written to encourage and inspire you to tap into adventures in different ways and forms. Tap in now, by participating/attending or helping to facilitate a Conference, and/or whatever work God leads you to do. It's all about You, Jesus! We are created for God's purpose, not our own. Warriors, don't get it twisted! Your life, our life, has significance, and God has a purpose for you.
Warriors, here's how we see it. It can't get any better, or more adventurous, than to work for God. Beautiful Warriors, we are a people dealing with all kind of different circumstances and situations; however, we are a people of faith. We believe in leaning heavily on the truth and promises of God. With that being said, mid-August last year, we assisted with Jackie's family's, Annual Prayer and Praise Conference ("You Saved Me"), their Fifth Anniversary (the number five biblical meaning "Grace"). We are so thankful, for it was only by God's grace, the Conference, was well received by all in attendance.
This was Sidney's first visit to Mil-Town, but he didn't get to see much of the city, because this was a trip, to work for the Kingdom. Wouldn't you know it...this was also when Jackie finished and released her second book, "More of You God." So, go figure, this was going to be a busy weekend for us. Well, here we go flying into Milwaukee on a Wednesday evening; making another one of our quick trips - only staying until Sunday, afternoon. Sidney knew this was going to be a super busy time for me, because I was, also, co-hosting as Mistress of Ceremonies, selling my book, and guest author speaker, during the services. Additionally, Jackie's brother-in-law, the Pastor of the Church - Pastor Walter Owens, wanted to include a praise dance performance during the services (...at the last minute, mind you!), so of course, Jackie volunteers to do it, and she volunteers her bestie to do it too! Talking about being adventurous. Lol. Y'all, this was so funny, 😂😂 because bestie and Jackie hadn't praised danced, since they were teens. Also, y'all, we had never EVER praised danced together. Speaking about going into an unknown land (territory), that was Bestie and me. LOL. 🤣🤣🤣 Fortunately, the church already had these beautiful, white angelic dance outfits for us to wear (How perfect!). So we did it, without even practicing. and the performance turned out, beautifully.
Jackie's family‘s church is small in size, but powerful in God. You see, we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us! To have people coming from Nashville, TN, Seattle, WA, Chicago, IL, and Atlanta, GA. Excitement! Excitement! Excitement!
This annual Conference came about through a weekly Prayer Line that started five years ago, while Jackie, her family, and her friends were doing a 21 day fast. You see, while we were seeking God's face, HE started speaking to us. HE showed us the purpose and plan HE had for our lives (to build HIS Kingdom). After we completed this fast, many accomplishments have taken place. Just to name a few: The Prayer Line remained strong, Jackie's brother-in-law got ordained, Jackie's sister and her husband opened up the church, we started having a Prayer & Praise Conference every year at their church (New Life International Ministries Church), Jackie published two books - check out her website to purchase them at www.Godsdivinejourney.Com, and Sidney and I (the Adventurous Dynamic Duo) started this Blog ("Dynamic Duo Inspired Journey")! Warriors, through it all, we just continue to get stronger in our faith, and we let God lead us in our callings. We want to help inspire you to NOT miss out on the calling God has for your life too.
We can't leave out our man Sidney, as he stepped up to the plate. Wherever help was needed, Sidney was there! He became the photographer for the entire weekend. "Great job Sid!" Sidney was there helping with the setup and the teardown, for each night. Not to mention, he was my personal bodyguard (Lol) while I was at the Author's table, selling books. Lol. Yes, he was standing right there next to his baby, making sure I was okay. "Thanks Babe!" 🥰😘😍
This conference was simply, phenomenal. One of the guest pastors on Saturday evening was Pastor Pamela South. Pastor South is Jackie's anointed cousin from Seattle, and she came with the WORD! She spoke about how God has saved us and now, it is time for us to do the Work. Yes, He has given us grace, daily, to do His work, and we must stay in Prayer, because it isn't easy. But, we must not grow faint. We must stand tall and persevere. Y'all, Pastor South may be short in stature, but she is mightily tall and bold. She is filled with the power of the Lord, all flowing out of her mouth. She was/is a powerhouse, all for Jesus!!!
Warriors, we do this really cool thing during this annual Conference. It's beautifully anointed “our signature prayer”, and it’s always Powerful. What do we do? We have all of the Prayer Warriors from the Prayer Line come up in front of the congregation, and we have prayer, just the way we do it on the phone line. So cool! We just go down the line, letting each Prayer Warrior who is spiritually led to pray, pray out loud. This is always so touching; for us and the congregation. It's what Sidney and I call, one of our memorable moments..... The response is amazing. The entire church is lit-up and on fire about NOW. The Holy Spirit is in the temple, and His robe is filling the room at this point. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Throughout our five years doing this conference: healing took place, deliverance took place, repentance took place, perseverance took place, and we all have grown, grown, and grown. Yay! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
It's hard work, and when the Conference was over, we were all exhausted. But we must say, we were happy and on a high, 🙌🏾🙌🏾 because it is the best feeling in the world, to be used by God. It's indescribable, for God is truly a Wonder! A Wonder! A Wonder!
1. Attend a God-filled Conference.
2. Get involved with the planning and executing of the Conference.
3. Step outside of your comfort zone and volunteer to be the MC (Master/Mistress of Ceremony) for the event.
4. If not the MC, try praise dancing, singing, and/or volunteer to do something you have never done before. It takes a lot of work to have a Conference, so there is always something to do to help. We are all needed to work in the Kingdom.
5. Remember, put something on your bucket list to uplift the Name of the Lord. Let God use you for His Glory.
6. Plan! Plan! And Plan!
Warriors, our annual Conferences are where we, as a body of many, praise, pray, and worship God in the presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We work for the Kingdom, so in order to give to someone, we need to be spiritually fed ourselves. It is nothing like getting in the presence of the Lord. Yes, things change, when we get in HIS PRESENCE. God has commanded us to go out into the world and make disciples of all people. Let us ALL be obedient to HIS WORD! We can’t wait for this year's Conference. It’s going to be a blast!
Thanks again for stopping by. Our lives are about inspiring others. As you can see, our Bucket List is all over the place. We include what we have to have for God, what we want, and our life's desires. But, let us tell you, for this Adventurous Dynamic Duo, we first and foremost, love Jesus Christ, our Savior, and we will serve HIM.
Don't forget to sign in with your email and the code ZEJFNW. We look forward to spending time with You next week. Please share this blog!
God's love to you all!
Your own Adventurous Dynamic Duo
Sidney & Jackie
To Purchase the book “More of You God,” click on the link: